
I decided to create this blog, to replace my old one I had and was losing interest in and thinking and having things to post. Looking at my stats, I saw there was a lot of interest in my recipes I had posted. I do love to cook and have lots of recipes to talk about and post, and so decided to create this blog specifically for those of us that love to create in the kitchen! I hope you will follow this blog and be sure to tell your friends and family if you like what you see here. If you have a recipe you wish to submit, email me at jcdec63@msn.com and I will post it. Thanks for visiting! Granny J :D

Monday, June 6, 2011

Helpful cartoon figures!

I was going through some of my mom's old cookbooks and recipes and found this cute, helpful card that gives possible causes of cake failures.  I wish I knew what year this was from, but I'm going to guess late 40's to early 50's.  Cute, isn't it? :)

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